
While technically menopause occurs when you have your last period, the reality for the vast majority of women is that they will experience symptoms well before this time. While there is no set age as to when symptoms of menopause occur, it is usually between the ages of 45 and 55. The symptoms of menopause are many and varied and can range from typical symptoms such as hot flushes and sleep disturbance, to lesser-known complaints such as dry eyes. Menopause can also affect heart health, bone health, sexual health and psychological health.Menopause has become a very topical issue over the past numbers of years and, as a consequence, much has been written and spoken around this area. This has led to information overload with many myths and misinformation circulating in the public domain. The purpose of the Menopause Clinic at Southside Medical is to dispel some of the myths, clarify many of the facts and also provide a road map for women who are currently experiencing the symptoms of menopause.


Our Menopause Clinic

The surging demand for advice with regard to menopause, allied to the complexity of the issue, led us to the conclusion that we needed to provide a dedicated clinic to properly address this whole area. In most cases we will be able to address the issues raised by our patients, however in some cases there may be a need to refer women to third party specialist who can provide more specific advice.The goal of the clinic is to inform, support and aid women who are currently experiencing the symptoms of menopause in an open and supportive environment.


What is involved?

Two half hour consultations, approximately one week apart, will take place with the Doctor. The initial consultation will focus on a number of areas including:

  • Blood Tests
  • Health Questionnaire
  • Blood Pressure Measurement
  • Weight/ Height/ BMI Assessment
  • Breast Assessment (where required)
  • Contraceptive Advice
  • Smear Test Arranged if due

This initial consult helps us build a picture of your general state of health and also provide you with generic information regarding menopause. Our experience has shown that ‘managing expectations’ is a key element in helping women through the menopause stage and part of this consult will be spent ‘demystifying’ the subject matter of menopause.

The second consultation will build on the first in that the information obtained from the initial consult will be used to devise risk profiles for the patient. These risk profiles, in turn, help inform us with regard to the best courses of action to take: be that lifestyle remedies, dietary remedies or more prescriptive solutions such as HRT.


Dr. Nikki McCaffrey

Dr. McCaffrey is the principal and owner of Southside Medical. She has practiced as a GP for over 20 years and has a specialist interest in women’s health. She has completed ICGP theory and practical courses in menopause care and is a member of the British Menopause Society.



Appointments can be made by contacting reception on 041 9844405. To avoid confusion, please let us know at the time of booking that you wish to book for the menopause clinic. The clinic is open to both patients of Southside Medical and non-patients.